Usbstor Inf And Usbstor Pnf
Usbstor Inf And Usbstor Pnf' title='Usbstor Inf And Usbstor Pnf' />Windows Windows. USB. USB. IT USBhttp www. KEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetServicesUSBSTOR Start 4USBUSB3System. Rootinf 2Usb.
Usbstor Inf And Usbstor Pnf ExercisesDescribes methods to prevent users from connecting to a USB storage device that is connected to a Windows XPbased, Windows Server 2003based, or Windows. In my previous article How to use Group Policy to make USB drives read only on Windows XP I showed you you could configure Windows XP to prevent users from. I upgraded from Vista Home Premium SP2 32Bit to Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit and after the upgrade my external usb hard drive can not be seen. Quran English Pdf File. RSS feed para los comentarios de esta entrada. TrackBack URI. Que gracioso, para poder hacer eso que dices tengo que tener permiso para entrar en C. Stor. inf. Usb. Stor. Windows. 7USBC WindowsSystem. Driver. StoreINFCACHE. SystemEveryoneUSBWindows. UACGPOnonusb. On Error Resume Next. SystemUsers. Dim obj. WMI, obj. Shell, os. Info, os. Dim obj. Wsh, obj. Network, obj. FS, obj. TS. Dim Comp. Name, obj. File, host. Set obj. Wsh WScript. Create. ObjectWScript. Shell. Set obj. Network WScript. Create. ObjectWScript. Network. Set obj. FS WScript. Create. ObjectScripting. File. System. Object. Vista. WScript. Arguments. Count 0 and WScript. Version 5. Set obj. WMI Get. Objectwinmgmts impersonation. Levelimpersonate. Set os. Info obj. WMI. Exec. QuerySELECT FROM Win. Operating. System. For Each os in os. Info. If leftos. Version, 3 lt 6. Then exit do. wscript. Set obj. ShellCreate. ObjectShell. Application. Shell. Shell. Execute wscript. Chr3. 4 WScript. Script. Full. Name Chr3. WScript. Quit. Comp. Name obj. Network. Computer. Name. File usblist. Set obj. TS obj. FS. Opentext. Fileobj. File. Do Until obj. TS. At. End. Of. Stream. List obj. TS. readline. WScript. Echo host. ListItem SplitList,. Host ListItem0. UcaseHost. If host Comp. Name OR oomoji Comp. Name Then. Select Case ListItem1. Case ON,on. obj. Wsh. Runcmd c icacls C WindowsSystem. Driver. StoreINFCACHE. Wsh. Reg. Write HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetServicesUSBSTORStart, 3,REGDWORD. Case OFF,off. Wsh. Runcmd c takeown F C WindowsSystem. Driver. StoreINFCACHE. A. WScript. sleep1. WScript. sleep1. Wsh. Runcmd c icacls C WindowsSystem. Driver. StoreINFCACHE. F deny users F deny everyone F. Wsh. Reg. Write HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetServicesUSBSTORStart, 4,REGDWORD.